Bow River Basin Council
The Bow River Basin Council has been a member of the NCWP since 1998, as a member of the Board, and more recently on the Technical Team. The Bow River Basin Council manages funds on behalf of the Nose Creek Watershed Partnership. The BRBC is interested in the riparian intactness assessment to better understand riparian condition in the Bow River watershed, help plan for restoration, and to report on riparian condition in the Bow River State of the Watershed Report.
The City of Calgary
The City of Calgary has been a member of the Partnership since 1998. Calgary has provided a Board representative annually, and provides technical support to the NCWP. Calgary currently acts as Co-Chair on the Partnership. Calgary continues to collect water quality data monthly at four locations in the Nose Creek watershed. Calgary also provides funding to the NCWP’s annual operating budget. Staff will be involved in the project planning, development, and implementation.
City of Airdrie
The City of Airdrie has been a member of the Partnership since 1998. Airdrie has provided a Board representative provides technical support to the NCWP. The City of Airdrie currently acts as Co-Chair on the Partnership. Airdrie also provides funding to the NCWP’s annual operating budget. Staff will be involved in the project planning, development and implementation.
Rocky View County
Rocky View County has been a member of the Partnership since 1998. Rocky View County has provided a Board representative annually and provides technical support to the NCWP.
The Town of Crossfield
The Town of Crossfield recently rejoined the Partnership in both a Board and Technical Team capacity.
Calgary Airport Authority
The Calgary Airport Authority has been a member of the Partnership since 1998. The Calgary Airport Authority has provided a Board representative annually, and technical support to the NCWP. The Calgary Airport Authority collects water quality data and manages stormwater to minimize impacts to Nose Creek.

The Nose Creek Watershed Partnership (NCWP) formed in 1998 to undertake joint watershed planning to address concerns regarding the future condition of Nose Creek and West Nose Creek. The Partnership is currently represented by the Calgary Airport Authority, City of Airdrie, City of Calgary, Rocky View County, Town of Crossfield and the Bow River Basin Council.
In 2018, the Partnership updated the Nose Creek Watershed Water Management Plan (Plan) as a means to protect riparian areas, improve stormwater management, and improve water quality in the Nose Creek watershed.
"Nose Creek isn’t something that divides our community, rather it brings us together." - Mayor Brown, City of Airdrie

Stakeholders include non-government organizations, industry, and interested citizens. Stakeholders are engaged in projects through presentation, opportunity to comment on draft reports and have access to a final reports. Stakeholders participate in the riparian strategy workshop to inform the Strategy and prioritize riparian restoration and conservation efforts.